Transnational project meeting in Nijmegen, Radboud University, in the 3D laboratory headed by Professor Thomas Maal
July 8, 2022

A meeting was held at the Radboudumc Technology Center 3D Lab, during which representatives from Krakow: Klaudia Proniewska, Piotr Fudalej, Julianna Dąbrowa presented the achievements developed in the field of 3D graphic modeling in structural procedures and modern imaging in the field of anatomy. Dutch team was represented by Thomas Maal (director of the Center), Bo Berends, Dylan Duitis.
The primary goal was to share and confront ideas, practices, and methods in the fields of dentistry, oncology, orthopedics, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, and education using Mixed Reality. Plans and cooperation assume the improvement of advanced medical imaging in the field of impacted teeth. Furthermore, several algorithms are being developed now to automate the process of medical data segmentation.
A solution based on the international cooperation of medical engineers like this has a chance to optimize clinical work and transfer knowledge to the environment.